Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Programs Galore!

This has been a crazy week of Holiday programs for Julia's various activities and holiday dance recitals for me. She had a singing program for her preschool on Monday. Far and away the highlight was her singing Away In A Manger. I was blinking back tears..... Today she had her recital for the dance class that I teach at her daycare, and a little holiday show for regular dance class at the studio. Both were great! It was kind of weird for me to have my own daughter in one of my shows, but she did wonderful. The studio one went pretty good too. Her class is SO big! The dance mom in me was a little sad that she was in the back row on the very end. I am so worried that is where she will be for the spring recital and you won't even be able to see her. I am trying to let it go..... Below are a few pictures from the studio show. I forgot a memory card at the preschool performance and we were really focusing on videotaping everything so the still camera got a little neglected. If I ever figure out how to post a video I will share......


Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Cute dance moves Julia....I'm not sure what that is called but I am sure your mom does!

Melyssa said...

What fun! I can't even imagine how cute that was! What a proud mamma you must be!

Unknown said...

The kids were cute at the pre-school program. Don't worry about not getting pictures, the pictures I took don't look that great since we were so far in the back. I'd love to show you how to upload video sometime. It's pretty easy.