Saturday, December 6, 2008

Here Comes Santa Claus...and a Few Tears....

We went to see Santa at the mall today with some friends. As expected, Julia did great and Maria not-so-much. Jules asked for a Barbie house, a new movie player, and a Barbie kitchen. (Thankfully there were no surprises like last year. I was searching for a particular dolly I didn't know she wanted at the last minute because she pulled that out of no where...) Maria screamed bloody murder the entire time. Even shooting glances at Julia as if to say What the hell is this? Who the hell is this? Why are you not screaming to? and finally SAVE ME!!! Julia did the same thing at Maria's age. Next year she should be on board with the whole Santa thing.
After Santa we rode the carousel a couple times, had lunch, and did a little shopping. It was a great day - and it is going to get better. Andy and I are going on a date! Yahooooo! Dinner and some shopping. I am really looking forward to it! Hope you all have a nice weekend!

I want a Barbie house, and a Barbie kitchen and a new DVD player and a ......

Seriously, I do NOT like this!!!

Family hugs!


Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Cute! Looks like a good time! I love the crying...those are the best!

Unknown said...

What great fun! I thought Bennett would do better this year but he screamed the entire time too. Hope you had a great night out. Aren't date nights great?

Melyssa said...

What great pictures with Santa! We were in the same boat at our house. Dayne did just fine but Lylah wanted nothing to do with sitting on his lap. We did get a few of Rich holding her by him but that was it! Next hear has to be better! Looks like you all had a fun day!