Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ride 'Em Cowgirl

So on Wednesdays, while Julia is at preschool, Maria and I get to hang out and I really like it. I feel like she spends a lot of time getting toted to Julia's activities and it is nice to spend some time with just her. Today we played with her pony that she got for her birthday. Notice that she actually doesn't sit on the pony - she stands - and finds it all to be quite hilarious. I know I shouldn't, but I secretly love it too. She is a crazy little dare devil and has some serious stinker in her. I am sure someday I will regret saying this, but keep it up my little cowgirl. Mommy loves you, spunk and all!

Riding her Pony, Maria style. Who needs to be their feet on the floor when they can stand on it instead?

This is her, I know I shouldn't be doing this but aren't I cute, face!

1 comment:

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Did you show those to me somewhere? I feel like I have seen them before but I don't know why...strange...She looks really cute...Her hair is getting longer!!