Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Last Day of Preschool

Today was Julia's last day of preschool. They had a little program for the parents and then there was supposed to be a picnic but that portion was cancelled due to weather. For the program, Julia's class sang a few songs and then the Pre-K class had their graduation. It was super sweet and I was tearing up just thinking about (oh crap, here they come again!) it being Julia up there next year. There was a very pregnant woman in the front row who WAS NOT holding it together as her son went up to get his "diploma" and it made me want to run up and hug her. Seriously, when they did the slide show with the "graduates" baby pictures and then a picture in their mortar board there wasn't many dry eyes in the joint. What am I going to do when she goes to Kindergarten? They are going to have to put me in an institution. After, Julia and I went to lunch with our friends R and K to celebrate a great year at preschool.

Kendall & Julia

Sophie, Kendra, Kendall & Julia
They are all neighbor friends and were all in the same class!

Julia with her WONDERFUL teachers, Mrs. Fusnig and Mrs. Tich.
Julia is going to miss them very much!

1 comment:

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Congrats Julia!!! ;) That is soo fun! Love those little diplomas!